
Gordian Hense
Gordian Hense

On jump-ride.com we post news about new start-up’s for mobility solutions

Hello, my name is Gordian Hense. I am the owner and founder of future-ride.com. I worked a long time in the automotive, chemical and IT-Industry. Today I am an author for mobility topics and work in the Online Marketing Scene. And I am enthusiastic about all the new mobility solutions, like electric cars, electric motorbikes, car-sharing, ride-hailing and so on.

Here on jump-ride.com I am excited to write about start-up’s for mobility solutions. I believe there is plenty to come in this area. The electric cars, like Tesla, are only a beginning of a very large range of products, services and concepts. This will disrupt all the old stuff of individual motor car traffic and transportation. This will even affect the aviation industry and all other touched industries.

This website will be an international news hub for this subjects. I will push this side with SEO and SEA on top positions. I have the expertise to do so. Proved by many projects.

We are looking for Co-Authors and Partners

We are looking for Co-Authors and Partners with interests and skills appropriate to our subjects. They can cooperate by writing / deliver articles to this website. And they can participate at the income* of this project. As long this website exist and is in my hands.

40 % of the income will go to the writers

Articles are only published on this website after accepted by me. Only published articles are eligible to earn money. I must have the full control of articles being published or not. The Copyright of the articles will stay with the author / writer. Authors / Writers name and one link to his page will be posted in each of his / here article.

Minimum requirements of articles are:

  • Must be about the area of themes “new Mobility”
  • Must be an exclusive text, no copy & paste
  • Must be in english language and good quality
  • At least 1’200 words long
  • SEO-Optimized according Yoast SEO Plugin (at least level: Good, ok or close to that)
  • One picture by post is compulsory – copyright must be clarified and mentioned

At the moment the website is at the lowest level of Google ranking. So, first we need some articles to bring it on an appropriate level with content. If it has enough content, I can switch to Google Adsense and we can start earn money. At this point I will put 50 % of all income* of this side into SEO/SEA to bring this side further more up in rankings. 40 % will be payed out monthly to all authors, appropriate to the amount of articles they posted. Life-Time long. What you need is a PayPal account. We reserve the right to remove any article from this website at any time. But we will follow the fair-use principles. *Income is the total of all earnings after tax and overhead costs.

Interested? Than write to “info @ jump-ride.com” (clear blanks)

The writer will get access to an account on this side. He can write as many articles as he want. After proofreading the article will be posted.

Press Releases are welcome

We are happy to receive press releases appropriate to the subjects of this website. Send your press release with picture to “info @ jump-ride.com” (clear blanks). Please deliver at least one picture with your press release. There is no warranty for articles to be published on this side. We reserve the right to remove any article from this website at any time.